Most recent chubby gay videos

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'I don't want anywhere civilised! Georgia Kousoulou reveals she wants FOUR hen parties after admitting it was 'about time' Tommy Mallet proposedįIRST LOOK at Love Island's NEW villa: Work begins on the rustic six-bedroom Mallorcan abode ahead of the series launch ahead of new crop of singletons Going global: So far 26 million people have video Gangnam Style The video's popularity owes much to Psy's bizarre outfits and outlandish dance move 'My goal in this music video was to look uncool until the end. The 34-year-old - whose real name is Park Jae-Sang - explained: 'The YouTube video never targeted foreign countries.

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Nobody was more surprised by the success of the video Gangnam Style than its creator, Psy, a musician with a decade-long career in his homeland who never thought to break overseas.

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PSY – your certificate is waiting here at our office, come pick it up any time!' 'In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube. The Guinees Book of Records announced the new milestone today.Ī spokesman said: 'Having been the 'have you seen this?!' video of the last two months across the web, it's great to be able to award a record for this tremendously popular video.

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